• hlavkuv_most_03.jpeg
    Kolektor Hlávkův most, Praha
  • mlada_boleslav_nemocnice_09.jpeg
    Novostavba pavilonu v Nemocnici Mladá Boleslav
  • sletiste_zastreseni_tribuny_03.jpeg
    Zastřešení tribuny, sportovní areál Sletiště, Kladno
  • plzenka_beroun_01.jpeg
    Rekonstrukce kulturního domu Plzeňka, Beroun
  • kajetanky_06.jpeg

Civil engineering works

Within the framework of civil engineering works, the company executes surface civil engineering works and reconstructions of structures of predominantly industrial character.

  • transportation structures which includes reconstruction of existing and construction of new roads, pavements, parking lots, reinforced surfaces, adjustments of water streams, construction of buttress walls and adjacent road objects, such as bridges, chutes etc.
  • development of water and mining water treatment plants, water preparing plants, reservoirs and tanks, and construction of flood control measures.
  • complex development of production and storage premises for both domestic and international investors, including securing of engineering infrastructure networks.
  • reconstruction of production facilities, execution of demolition works
  • sanitation and decontamination of soils, including exploration of affected sites, handling and transport of contaminated materials and laboratory analyses.


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Selected references

Kolektor Hlávkův most
Kolektor H
Stavební objekt 3053 Stoka CO3
Rekonstrukce ČOV Vrapice